Our courses» Agile Foundation

Agile Foundation

Price: 17 900 SEK excl. VAT
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During the two days, you will learn how to apply the most important principles and tools from the agile toolbox in your organization.

The format is interactive, with a mix of short lectures, group exercises, and discussions. Throughout each session, you will have the opportunity to reflect together with other participants on how the various topics covered can be practically applied after the course. Flipcharts will be used instead of projectors and PowerPoint.

Learning objectives

  • Gain a foundational understanding of agile principles and tools
    To make agile working methods work, all employees need to have an understanding of the basics. In this way, everyone can contribute to an better way of working.
  • Learn about the latest developments in agile
    Agile methodologies have been around for a while, and much that was once considered good practice are now outdated. Based on the latest findings, you get modern knowledge and tools that really make an impact.
  • Generate new ideas for ways of working
    The course will equip you with new ideas that can be immediately applied in your daily work.

Course content:

  • What exactly is an agile organization?
    EA pragmatic and practical definition is essential for success! The definition we use in the course is independent of industry and frameworks.
  • Team and individual work
    Working in teams is widely popular in agile environments. Here, we explore the advantages and disadvantages of both team collaboration and individual efforts.
  • Continuous improvement
    Succeeding with agile practices means working incrementally to improve current ways of working. In this section, our experienced coaches share their best techniques and tips for achieving continuous improvement.
  • Value-driven work
    What does ”value” really mean? We examine how iterative approaches can be used to deliver maximum value within time and budget constraints.
  • Frameworks
    When theory is put into practice, many organizations struggle. We explore how different principles are applied in various frameworks and how to achieve functional agility, whether using Scrum, Kanban, Less, SAFe, or a combination of all.


The Agile Practitioner certification is included in the course. The certification questions are about how you would apply the techniques from the training in the practice where you work. Working with the questions is the perfect way to deepen and consolidate your knowledge from the course.

When you have passed the certification, you have shown yourself and others that you can understand and apply everything that we worked with in practice.

Right now there are no planned instances of this course. However, if you fill out this form we will contact you and help you as soon as possible.

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